Flight Procedures

  • Step 1

    Once you have purchased flight time through Flight Circle, had a checkout with our CFI, and booked your aircraft of choice through Flight Circle, you are cleared to fly at your leisure. Please note that there are two types of checkouts: one for standard renters and one for CFIs.

  • Step 2

    Park in the outside parking lot of the M01 FBO and follow the procedures (see link below for procedures). Contact FTB if you have any questions! The lockbox code is regularly changed, so please be sure you have the updated code before your scheduled flight.

  • Step 3

    Conduct a pre-flight inspection of the aircraft and send clear, high-resolution pictures of 1.) the aircraft to show its condition leaving the airfield, 2.) the hour meter before engine start, and 3.) the tachometer before engine start.

  • Step 4

    Be sure to refer to the FTB Operations Manual and procedures for proper pre-flight, information, limitations, and regulations for your flight. There are also instructional videos on starting each aircraft in different conditions. Please see the link below and contact FTB with any questions.

  • Step 5

    Once you properly secure the aircraft in the tie-down, conduct a post-flight inspection of the aircraft and send clear, high-resolution pictures of 1.) the aircraft to show its condition returning to the airfield, 2.) the hour meter after engine shut down, 3.) the tachometer after engine shut down, and 4.) any squawks, discrepancies, problems, or incidents on your flight. Please indicate if any fuel or oil was added. If none, please state that in the email.

  • Step 6

    Return the key to its appropriate lockbox. Do NOT leave the key in the aircraft. This is a security risk! Once the key is secured, schedule your next flight through Flight Circle and get ready for your next adventure! Contact FTB with any questions or concerns.