Our Fleet

Our fleet is comprised of the tried and true Cessna 150 and 172 models, a Piper Archer for a nicer SE/IFR option, a Piper Arrow for RG time, a Duchess for ME/RG time, and a Commander 112A for a new experience. Safety is our number one priority, so all our airplanes have been personally serviced, inspected, and flown by our A&Ps. All inspections are current and ADs complied with. Visit our Flight Circle scheduling page to see what airplanes are available today!

Piper Archer II, N8103Q

$190/hr (wet)

IFR, Intercom, GNS-430W, KX-155, GTX-300, Autocontrol IIIB

Piper Arrow, N54412

$210/hr (wet) COMING SOON!


Cessna 172, N7141Q

$175/hr (wet)

180hp, Intercom, STOL, GNS-430W, MX-300, S-Tec 50

Beech Duchess, N6702X

$350/hr (wet)

RG, ME, IFR, Intercom, G5-HSI, GNS-430W, KX-165, KT-76C Century III

Cessna 172, N8174M

$195/hr (wet)

IFR, Intercom, GPS-400, GNC-255, GNC-225, KT-74

Commander 112A, N1436J

$195/hr (wet) COMING SOON!

Intercom, STOL, Dual G5s, GNC-255, GNC-225, KLN-89B

Cessna 172, N5179H

$170/hr (wet)

160hp, IFR, Intercom, SL-40, MX-300, Stratus ESG

Cessna 150, N3072V

$135/hr (wet) COMING SOON!

GNC-250XL, KX-1252B, Stratus ESG

Book a flight today!